Pageant Coaching Testimonials


“I noticed a big difference in my behavior already this week particularly at work, due to all this training provided by Empowered Youth. I think all this practice of doing things out of my comfort zone, especially the presentation practice on Saturday, made me a bit more confident now. Especially focusing on breathing helps me feel confident and have good posture. I used to get so anxious and just look at the ground a lot. Now I feel a lot less anxious around work, am looking back at people more, and saying hi and smiling more at people. I’m going to keep practicing at work; I think it’s a great environment to push out of my comfort zone with simple things like making eye contact. Instead of looking away from people or looking down and being nervous like usual I feel more relaxed, confident, I can look back and the people, and I can notice my surroundings more. Also how I walk, breathe, carry myself, and my posture is better and I feel more relaxed. I know I have a ways to go but I think whatever we are doing so far is making a big difference”

Catherine, Miss Earth Delegate, Miss Air
June 21, 2014